Let's Make a Pina Colada T-Shirt by Broken Bartender

27 Bartender Memes that Accurately Capture Life Behind the Bar

Try explaining the feeling of being deep in the weeds on a weekend night to someone who’s never had a bartending job. Impossible, right? These funny bartender memes do a pretty good job at it. 

Hashtag bartenderlife

We made a list of 27 trending bartender memes with great puns and funny pictures that any bartending geek will be able to relate to. Some contain bar humor about our clientele, others deliver puns at the barkeepers’ expense, and then there are meme pics that can teach you a thing or two about mixology.

Read on for the best bartender memes.

[Want to add some awesomeness to your bartending job? Check out Broken Bartender’s kick-ass clothing and accessories, which offers fun and witty designs for the professional barman and woman.]

Smallest Cocktail Shaker Ever Necklace

Bartenders are a different breed

What makes a barkeeper different from, say, a banker? Sure, the salary is one thing. But bartenders just operate differently from other humans. You are undoubtedly one of us if you can find yourself in the following 9 bartender memes. (And if you can’t, try these bartender quotes).

1. Bartending is like majoring in psychology without ever setting foot in a university.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @moversandshakersco

2. Eminem hits all the bars (pun intended).

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

3. The Bear could have easily been a bartender series.

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Credit: @burning_the_ice

4. TBH, that’s just a Bloody Mary with extra garnish.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

5. What do you choose: holiday to Bali or unlimited chai frappuccinos?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @whotfisjovana
Negroni Trucker Hat by Broken Bartender

6. If you’re a professional mixologist, isn’t that just a business meeting?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @allezceline

7. To all overtime-working barkeepers, have you looked in the mirror lately? #bartenderlife #serverlife

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @confessionsof_aserver

8. There’s a first time for everything… #serverlife

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Credit: @confessionsof_aserver

9. We could name a few more nineties bands worth of traits.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

Problems only bartenders understand

From mastering the art of cutting customers off (cue the "when the bartender cuts you off" meme) to dealing with customers who think they are mixology experts, the unsung heroes of the night have experienced it all. These 9 bartending memes capture our wild world and the problems we have to deal with.

10. We don’t tell you how to fly a commercial airplane either, do we?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @jay.mcn
Barback Forever T-Shirt by Broken Bartender

11. Trust your local bartender, they know what’s best for you.

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Credit: @Okayatalcohol

12. Bartenders have feelings too, you know?!

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

13.  We do offer recommendations but you better accept them without a second thought.

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Credit: @jay.mcn

14. Would you like that peel fanned or rosette, sir?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes
Espresso Martini Trucker Hat by Broken Bartender

15. This bartending superpower is only activated after midnight, though.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

16. As if the job isn’t hard enough without men hitting on busy bartenders.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @moverandshakersco

17. The truth about bartender salaries is that you always get paid less than you can drink old fashioned and margaritas

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Credit: @Okayatalcohol

18. Even just thinking of getting cut early will trigger this scenario.

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @Confessionsof_aserver

Bartending 101s 

Get behind the bar and shake things up. These bartender memes are about pouring drinks the right way – because being a good bartender is about more than making it through happy hour. To be a great bartender, you need to know the unwritten rules of mixology. (Like not getting drunk and ending up as a "when the bartender gets drunk" meme.)

19. Don’t you dare bruise that sprig, buddy.

27 Bartender Memes

Credit: @mixologymemes

20.Almost worse than squeezing an orange into your Negroni

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @bartender_memes
Bartender Pins by Broken Bartender

21. What finishing moves do you have in your arsenal?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @moverandshakerco

22. Fat-washing is great, but have you tried switching in bartending yet?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @moverandshakerco

23. By the way, ordering your spirit on the rocks doesn’t count as having water

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @cocktailman

24. What would you order if Logan Roy offered you a drink?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @thesussman

25. Did you know that every Negroni riff you make equals a raise?

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @mixologymemes

26. Never change a winning team

27 Bartender Memes
Credit: @bartender_memes

27. Don’t underestimate the power of an extra añejo sipped straight.27 Bartender Memes

Credit: @bartender_memes

Disclaimer: We tried to credit all original creators. If we got it wrong, shoot us a message.

Amaretto Sour T-Shirt by Broken Bartender

[Become the next bartending meme with Broken Bartender's unique selection of stylish t-shirts and cheeky accessories for bartenders with a sense of humor.]
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